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Hogwarts Prototyping

Preliminary Placement of Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Track Layout to Hogsmeade Station

Planned Location Hogsmeads Station 

Arched Viaduct Bridge Location

Construction Begins

Backdrop Installed

Final Location of  Hogwarts Main Buildings Cliff Construction Can Now Begin

1st attempt at making the cliff face.  The big surprise - it worked as planned and it looked so good.  Now on to making the opposite cliff.  Finally, will have to plaster each and then color them.

Hogwarts with Lights and

Cliffs Roughly Shaped

2nd prototype cliff completed.

On to plastering both cliffs.

Hogwarts School of Wizardry, the cliffs, Viaduct bridge and the lake.

The pink and brown tower objects (between the two school buildings) is a mockup of the "Viaduct and Viaduct Building" that allows access to both main buildings.  The finial product is currently under final construction.


Hogwarts, almost done.  ONLY

the train station left to complete


Hogwarts Express @ Main Train Station

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