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"Half a truth is often a great lie."
Benjamin Franklin
~ 2013 Feasibility Study ~
According to San Diego County's "2013 Runway Extension Feasibility Study" along with other county studies
~ Click on any line below for more detail ~
It's not making sense. All this money being spent to benefit maybe .003% of the Design Class C-III business jets owners who should not be routinely using a Design Class B-II Airport. There has to be a lot more that has yet to be divulged!
CRQ is a Class B-II FAA Certified Airport and NOT certified for routine Class C-III aircraft
THE REPORT Page 0-1 — "Currently, the airport is being used by a variety of aircraft (C-III) which are larger than the facility is designed to handle (B-II) and the forecast indicates that this usage will continue in the future."
It is not feasible to make CRQ a Class C-III Airport
THE REPORT page 0-1 — "Although the footprint of the overall airport is able to handle a runway extension to reclassify the airport as a C-III, the change would involve extensive reconfiguration of the entire airfield including tenant improvements, airplane parking loss and/or relocation, impacts to buildings, and the relocation of NAVAIDs, fuel tank/station and the airfield lights and signs systems.
Therefore any extension alternative that would reclassify the airport would be considered not feasible.
Proposed runway will be at least 99 feet longer than John Wayne Airport's 5,701 feet runway
Alternative A: a runway extension of 200 feet, for a total length of 5,100 feet maintaining the existing
ARC of B-II, minimal impact to the unlined landfill
Alternative B: a runway extension of 900 feet, for a total length of 5,800 feet maintaining the existing
ARC of B-II, best meet the forecasted demand for runway length
Alternative C: a runway extension of 1,200 feet, for a total length of 6,100 feet;
potential change in ARC to C-III with accompanying airfield improvements deeming this alternative
not feasible
The longer runway will allow Design Class C-III business jets to fly nonstop to China
A lot more noise and air pollution will be spewed into Carlsbad
THE REPORT page 9-22 — CONCLUSION - "There are no known environmental sensitivities present at the airport. However, since the County of San Diego is in nonattainment - for ozone and particulate matter, additional air quality assessment of the project may be necessary. The improved efficiency or “green benefits” of the project in reducing the need for fuel stops by business jets on long haul flights would reduce fuel burn, helping offset overall fuel usage, greenhouse gases, and other air quality emissions."
Is this saying - Other countries residents will benefit from less pollution, but not Carlsbad and the other surrounding communities residents. It will require more power/thrust to lift the heaver jets off the ground and therefore, more pollutants will remain in the communities around the airport?