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Our Future

For details, click on the headings below

* * Carlsbad, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, Vista and San Marcos' Future * *

No airport expansion

Quality of Life Second to None

With airport expansion

Declining Property Values and Quality of Life

When it comes to McClellan-Palomar Airport (CRQ)

expansion, history is the best predictor of our future.

* * If they build it, they will come. * *

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) predicts air travel will more than double by 2030.

Why are noise complaints increasing?  The answer - NextGEN. (See NextGen link above)

Per the White House Commerce Department  -  "For every complaint filed, 26 are not filed."

Because of Camp Pendleton and Miramar Airspace, McClellan-Palomar Airspace is somewhat compressed since commercial air traffic cannot penetrate military airspace.  For that reason, it is anticipated Valley Center will be impacted by the compressed landing path especially by west bound flights entering the landing path at approximately 4,000 to 6,000 feet above ground.

Goodbye the Sound of Silence

In the video above:

  • The Normal Background Noise = 40 dB NOT the 70 to 110 dB 's when a jet takes off.

  • According to HUD - communities and aircraft noise levels regulations - anything over 65 db is Normally Unacceptable and over 75 dB is Unacceptable.  FYI - 70 dB = Vacuum Cleaner levels & 110 dB = Chain Saw levels of sound.  

  • The loudest sound In the video of the aircraft taking off is at about 1,400 feet elevation and 4 miles from the recording location.

  • Because of limitation of playback devices and the volume  of your playback, the sound wave should only be interpreted as an example of what will be coming to Carlsbad and surrounding communities - the actual noise will be a lot worse.

  • Specifications on the CRJ 700 - Max. Takeoff Weight (MTOW) 75,000 lbs.

WHO WILL BENEFIT from an expanding airport?  NOT THE VOTERS!

The voters will see decreasing Quality of Life, Health and Property Values.

What will be the Cost to most of the airport surrounding communities

homeowners when the airport expands?


To allow the airport to expand and save 30 minute driving time for a very few North County passengers, San Diego County is asking each household impacted by the increased aircraft noise to spend $50,000  or MUCH, MUCH MORE!

FACT - When the new McClellan-Palomar Airport terminal opened in 2009, Bill Horn stated:

"This is Carlsbad, you don't even turn on the air conditioning.  You just open the windows and doors."

With the County's new Airport Master Plan and the increased jet aircraft noise and pollution, is Bill Horn now saying it is OKAY to FORCE

Carlsbad and its surrounding communities to pay $200 to $800 or MORE PER MONTH in electricity bills as a result of being forced to constantly use the AC?  AND if a home does not have AC, a unit will need to be purchase at around  $5,000 to $12,000 OR MORE.  ANDthere will be an additional $3,000 to $10,000 OR MORE to replace double pane windows with triple pane windows.  AND what about an additional $25,000 or so for Solar to help save on the electricity bill?

Then there's the additional greenhouse gas pollution created to generate the additional electricity for the tens of thousands of North County households that will be impacted.

What about those sweaty brownout days and the AC has to be turned off !  The aircraft noise and pollution cannot be turned off!

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