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"Half a truth is often a great lie."
Benjamin Franklin
~ Today's Noise ~
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Click the "Start" icon to play the takeoff
70 to 107 db reading while jet is taking off
Sound Meter readings - 2.05 miles from the airport.
For best results have a speaker connected
Business jets taking off from CRQ, 2.05 miles away.
Noise reading is up to 107 db.
The above shows today's typical noise as a business jets takes off. NOTE: this was recorded 2.05 miles from CRQ.
Dependant of the time of day, the interval between takeoffs could be as little as one per hour or as many as one every 5 to 10 min.
Think about how much more noise and pollution will be created if and when CRQ turns into a full blown commercial airport.
CRQ's Noise Monitor sill not working
For more than a year, CRQ has informed the PAAC the two (2) sound monitoring stations around the airport were not working. The reason given was - there is an issue with the Wi-Fi and the equipment was old. In December of 2014, CRQ informed the PAAC that the monitors had been upgraded and all is working correctly.
Based on the three screen shots below, it appears there is still an issue with the one monitor on the West end of the runway. The noise monitor location is the "gray" circle in the screenshot. NOTE: The West end of the runway is an exaggeration, for it is 0.8 miles south of the centerline of the runway and not in the flight path of most aircraft taking off and following the recommended flight path out over the ocean before turning north or south.
That said and based on the activity of the noise monitors at other airports, CRQ's seem to be ineffective and can not be relyed on for any date they have collected. See LA/Ontario below