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Palomar Airport Advisory Committee



PAAC Meeting schedules for 2019

January 21 | March 18 | May 20 | July 15 | September 16 | November 18

The next Palomar Airport Advisory Committee meeting will be held at the City of San Marcos Council Chamber at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA, 92069.  The above PAAC link will take you to its website with all the last two year of minutes where you can rear what has or not happened to resolve noise complaints from the surrounding communities.

October 22, 2015, the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee (PAAC) unanimously approved a motion to send the San Diego Airport Authority's (SDAA) recommended motion to expand the airports runway to the San Diego Board of Supervisors for approval in their December 2015 meeting.

Click to view the meeting.

Thursday, October 22, 2015, the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee (PAAC) unanimously approved a motion to send the San Diego County Airport Department's (SDAD) recommended motion to the San Diego Board of Supervisors for approval in their December 2015 meeting:


"Palomar Airport Advisory Committee recommends that the Board of Supervisors direct staff to proceed with the McClellan-Palomar Airport Master Plan focusing on the modified C/D-III classification as the preferred option, subject to the preparation of a Program-Level Environmental Impact Report."


The approval was given despite a number of additional unanswered questions by the PAAC to the SDAD Director, Peter Drinkwater, and his consultant Project Manager, Vince Hourigan, e.g., were asked how much would this recommended option cost.  The answer - $100M not including the runway extension.  Shockingly, there was no follow-up inquiry to what is going to cost $100M if the runway extension is not included.


Also, the approval came after the tolerated public comment session that was restricted to three (3) minutes per person.  It must be mentioned the three (3) minutes were strongly enforced for those pointing out the flaws in what had been presented or the conditions that have been unresolved/ignored for years.  The following are just some of what was pointed out needing answers before any vote should have been taken;


  • There was not even a definition in the Modified C/D-III preferred option on how long the runway would be extended - was it 800, 900 or 1,200 feet?  When asked, the answer from SDAD was 800 feet would be added.  It was then pointed out, 800 feet added to the existing 4,897 runway was 5,697 feet.  The Bombardier Global 8000 (the plane used to justify the need for a runway extension) specifications state it requires "5,800 feet takeoff distance."  After more than two years of study, the recommended modified C/D-III runway will be too short.  OOPS!


  • In 1999, McClellan-Palomar had 270,000 operations (takeoffs and landings), today, it is projected this year operations will be approximately 120,000.  Why is the county going to spend more than One-Hundred Million Dollars ($100M) on an airport that has lost more than half of its operations since 1999.  OOPS!


  • Other than serving a few corporate interests who are flying planes larger than the airport is certified to accommodate, is this airport even needed?  Surly, more the $100M can be spent on more productive projects in North County and not destroy the airport's surrounding communities!


  • Today's airport noise has increased year after year and is now destroying the quality of life in communities surrounding the airport.  With the larger jets will there be more or less noise?  The answer given was there will be less noise.


       This answer is not supported by factual 2015 FAA/Metroplex data!  That data shows the noise will increase.  OOPS!


With all the above left unanswered - true to form, the PAAC ignored the facts and unanimously approved the SDAD recommended motion.


One last fact - the approval was not surprising or unexpected after an article appeared in the San Diego Union Tribune on October 21, 2015, - one day prior to the meeting, quoting Mr. Charles G. "Chuck" Collins,


       "The biggest improvement is safety," said Chuck ColIins, chairman of the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee.  "This would make a safer airport.  A longer

       runway gives us more room to address things that aren't expected."


Based on SDAD now recommending converting from a B-II airport to a C/D-III Airport and Mr. Collins' reported statement and the lack of concerns on obvious non answers from SDAD and its consultant in the PAAC meeting, it has to be asked:

  • As they used to say in the old gangster movies - "Is the fix in?"

  • Who's protecting the health, safety, property values and quality of life of the hundreds of thousands of voters and residents of North County?

  • Unlike San Diego's Mayor Faulconer, when will Carlsbad's City Council stop its "Deafening Sound of Silence" and step-up to protect its citizens.  The City Council can stop the County from turning Carlsbad into another Point Loma, Newport Beach, Santa Cruz, Santa Monica and numerous other cities around America.

No Curfew

PAAC April 16, 2015 Meeting Notes:

* * PAAC Makes a Motion To Start JET Service @ 5:50 AM! * *

From the County of San Diego PAAC Charter




The Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:


  • To review and make recommendations on issues pertaining to noise control at Palomar Airport.


  • To review and make recommendations regarding land use within the Airport influence area.


  • To review and make recommendations regarding issues pertaining to the development and operations of Palomar Airport.


  • To provide an open forum between the Communities and the County on matters pertaining to Palomar Airport.


  • Any other items as may be assigned to the Committee by the Board of Supervisors.

San Diego County refuses to consider curfews and flight path restrictions


Since before 2000, the communities around the airport have asked CRQ to implement mandatory curfews and flight paths.  Since 2000, CRQ and PAAC have refused those requests.  In the February 19, 2015 PAAC meeting, it was request mandatory curfews and flight paths be implemented.  One more time the CRQ and PAAC refused the request.  April 16, 2015, PAAC presented a motion to revise the Biz Ait Shuttle schedule and have the first departure moved from 6:00 AM to 5:50 AM.

The PAAC is anything but an OPEN FORUM.  Robert's Rules of Order are strictly enforced and the public is limited to three (3) minutes to express a point or complaint.  After which, there is no discussion, just a "thank you" with no follow-up to solve complaints undertaken


Merriam-Webster Definition of the word OPEN and FORUM

  1. The marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business.

  2. A public meeting place for open discussion.

  3. A medium (as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas.


Based on Webster's definition, for years the PAAC seems to have been in violation of its duties as defined by its charter from San Diego County.

Below shows CRQ's Voluntary "Fly Friendly" program's Noise Abatement Hours and Flight Paths.

The reality is it NOT WORKING.  Aircraft are flying in from ALL directions



Noise monitor not working!

April 14, 2015 - 9:08 AM: After more than twenty (20) years of noise complains and requesting that flight paths become mandatory, neither the Airport nor PAAC has takes any action.  Per the VNAP, all aircraft should first fly out over the ocean before making the turn north or south.  The above shows aircraft are still flying wherever they want.  Additionally, note the noise monitor (gray circle)  is still not working.  It has been documented it has not worked for at least six (6) months.

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