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"Half a truth is often a great lie."
Benjamin Franklin
The latest revision of the FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/1500-13A for airports that service B-II to C-II aircraft (No Change). However, for B-II airports servicing B-III to C-III aircraft it states on page 94, Footnote # 3, "The standard runway centerline to parallel taxiway centerline separation distance is 400 feet for airports at or below an elevation of 1,345 feet." It is reported that CRQ runway centerline to taxiway centerline is only 297.5 feet.
FAA AC 150/1500-13A Directive cover sheet states:
"2. Does this AC cancel any prior ACs?
AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, dated September 29, 1989, is canceled.
3. To whom does this AC apply?
Use of this AC is mandatory for all projects funded with federal grant monies through the Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
and/or with revenue from the Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) Program. See Grant Assurance No. 34, Policies, Standards, and ,
Specifications and PFC Assurance No. 9, Standards and Specifications."
Since the new 20 Year Airport Master Plan is being mostly funded by the FAA, it is assumed there will be monies in the new plan to correct the 102.5 foot minimum centerlines discrepancy that exists today.
That said, for 20 years or more the County has allowed C/D jet aircraft to takeoff and land at CRQ:
Why has the County not enforced the FAA requirement before the County leases space to C/D aircraft?
Has the County ignored the 400 foot requirement and placed the safety of the airports surrounding communities citizens lives in jeopardy?
Has the County put the interest of the business community before the County's fiduciary responsibility of protecting the safety and live of its citizens?
CRQ's Safety Record compared to the other major Southern Californian Airports
Two documented records of business jets having to abort their landing on approach to CRQ
May, 30, 2014 - Aborting landing/approach. The radar shows the plane flew over a house at only 950 feet above the ground or less than 500 feet clearance to structures. But, the same flight record on the next day changed. The radar record showed it never happened.