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"Half a truth is often a great lie."
Benjamin Franklin
California passed the Global Warming Solution Act of 2006, also known as Assembly Bill 32. It mandates that communities must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. How will the expansion of business jet and commercial air service, along with the extra pollution created to support the 3,000,000 or more passenger projection by CRQ, allow Carlsbad to meet the mandate of AB 32?
In 2015, the American Lung Association listed Carlsbad #38 on its list of 228 Worst Metropolitan Cities for Ozone (Greenhouse Gas) pollution. In 2016, the County of San Diego announced it had been surprised to learn 6,000 Design Class C/D-III jet had used CRQ in 2015. At the same time, the American Lung Association announced when it comes to Ozone Pollution, Carlsbad was NOW listed as #13 Worst Metropolitan Air Quality" list . In 2018, Carlsbad moved to 6th worst city to live on the list and remains in the 6th position today!
NOW the County wants to expand the airport to allow it to accommodate larger and larger jet aircraft! Pay attention to history and the facts it documents. These facts matter to projecting future quality of life, children's learning ability, health and property values! in Carlsbad and its surrounding communities.
~ Something is wrong! Why is Carlsbad constantly moving up the Worst Metropolitan List! ~
Maybe some more investigation needs to take place regarding CRQ Air Pollution!

2010 Carlsbad Cancer Cluster Incident
After reviewing the documentation generated from the Carlsbad Cancer Cluster scare in 2010, one glaring omission from causational consideration is the pollution generated from the airport. The Encina Power plant seem to be the main concern in the below "Cancer in Carlsbad, California - 1996 - 2008 Report" sponsored by California Cancer Registry and California Department of Public Health. But not CRQ.
Click the above text to read the facts
7-23-10 Carlsbad Cancer Concerns Update - ONLY three (3) Days of Testing.
Wonder if the airport was informed when those three (3) days of the testing would occur?
A typical commercial airport spews hundreds of tons of toxic and criteria pollutants into our atmosphere every day. These drift over heavily populated areas and settle onto water bodies and crops. A fact the EPA and FAA have known for years
Click here for the full story June 10, 2015 - The EPA acted to protect the health and welfare of the American public.
CRQ Airport Failed the EPA Federal Lead Guidelines Testing
In 2010, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under the direction of Dr. Marie Lynn Miranda, commenced on a four (4) year study of lead pollution around local airports. In 2013, the EPA released its report and found of the seventeen (17) airports studied in California, all but two (2) were below the Federal Lead Limit requirements. The two that exceeded the Federal requirement were San Carlos in San Mateo County and CRQ.
San Carlos elected to take corrective action and announce in 2014, it had completed the corrective action to comply with Federal requirements. CRQ disagreed with the way the EPA conducted the testing and elected to do its own 10 day limited testing. CRQ's own testing validated the EPA testing results, but also identified areas on the airport where it was in compliance with or below the Federal requirement. As of today, no corrective action has been taken.
To read a summary of the EPA testing click on CRQ EPA Testing Report below. To read the CRQ study, click on the PDF file below and you can decide if CRQ's lack of corrective action to corrected the deficiency found by the EPA was in the best health and safety interest of the community.
~ Click each link below for full text ~
Based on the statistics in the "Cancer Concerns Carlsbad 6-2010" and CRQ's failed to pass the EPA 2011 Airport Lead Testing, the experts all seem to agree - the statistics show no abnormal elevated cancer in Carlsbad other than melanoma. But, to quote Mark Twain, “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.” In these cases, along with many more around the country, according to the people in the impacted neighborhood(s) - the facts seem to not support the statistics. FYI - CRQ is still the only airport that still has not corrected the cause of the failure of the EPA 2011 Airport Lead Testing.
With the amount of information now available from the worldwide medical and scientific studies on the impacts of airport pollution on public health, should not the public officials be asking the following two questions:
Has CRQ's more than 4 Million takeoffs and landings in 20 years contributed to the cancer rates in Carlsbad?
Is the public health of all the surrounding communities better served by removing CRQ from Carlsbad?
Click on photo to enlarge
Dr. Marie Lynn Miranda, recorded in 2009.
Today, Dr. Miranda is Provost at Rice University.
Prior to that she was the Dean of the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and environment. Additionally, she was the Director of the 4 year EPA 17 Airports on lead contamination study.
That study resulting with 16 airports passed and ONE FAILED. That airport was McClellan-Palomar Airport and still refuses to correct the issues causing it to fail the study.
Dr. Peter Jugovic, Family Physician
talking about effects of the airport
in his community.
From the World Health Organization
Steve Edmiston
(The Briefing Project)
Steve has been giving Public (3 minutes segments) Comment,
once per month, since January 30, 2018 to the Port of Seattle commissioners.
To see all of Steve's commentary, go to our "Home Page" and click on "The Briefing Project" in the main menu.
This report was compiled from ALL of the worldwide health studies since 2009.
Click on the "NOISE Guidelines" photo to read the 2018 FULL report.
The aircraft section starts on page 61.
Worldwide the independent Medical and Science communities are moving to one conclusion - the health of communities surrounding airports is being compromised, especially the health of the children and the children's learning abilities!
Noise from aircraft increases cardiovascular disease risk
Studies from both sides of the pond show that people exposed to high levels of aircraft noise are at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, according to the BMJ (British Medical Journal).
Now living by airports can give you cancer
It's not only flying that can damage your health, now people living in communities close to airports are being warned that they could be at greater risk from cancer caused by pollution from jet exhausts.
Environmental lawsuit succeeds: FAA phasing out leaded gas by 2018, protecting airport neighbors from airborne lead
* * As of today, the FAA has failed to comply with the Court's ORDER to make Lead FREE Aviation Fuel mandatory by 2018. * *
Private planes are responsible for over half the airborne lead in the United States, with leaded aviation gasoline linked to elevated levels of toxic lead in kids living near airports.

Sponsored by the FAA
Published in 2008
4.1 Health Effects Associated with Aviation-
Related Hazardous Air Pollutants
Chronic exposure1 to many of the aviation-related HAPs
has been associated with both cancer and noncancer effects.
These health effects have been observed in controlled studies
in laboratory animals, and in some cases for individuals
exposed to these HAPs in occupational settings. Types of can-
cer associated with exposure to aviation-related HAPs are pri-
marily lymphoreticular cancers (i.e., leukemia, lymphoma)
and respiratory tract tumors. Types of noncancer effects
associated with the aviation-related HAPs include alterations
of the respiratory epithelium2, neurological effects, develop-
mental toxicity, and reproductive toxicity. For some of the
HAPs, acute effects3 such as irritation of the eyes and respira-
tory tract, exacerbation of asthma, as well as nausea and dizzi-
ness, may be a concern for shorter-term exposures to higher
Aviation and air pollution
Aviation is a major source of local air pollution, leading to significant public health impacts. Jet emissions can cause lung, throat, nasal, larynx and brain cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, asthma, and birth defects. Highly carcinogenic benzpyrene, a byproduct of jet fuel combustion attached to soot, can cause cancer and tumors.
Hidden threat: Elevated pollution levels near regional airports
Scientists are reporting evidence that air pollution -- a well-recognized problem at major airports -- may pose an important but largely overlooked health concern for people living near smaller regional airports. Those airports are becoming an increasingly important component of global air transport systems.